I do have many passions -- I love photography, reading words of wisdom, inspirational story, taking pictures, decorating and so forth. Sometimes I find it a little hard to pick one a day. To attract happiness and interest in your life can be achieved by setting your intuition. Perhaps that’s just finding time you set aside to read, listen to music, take a brisk walk, get in shape, window shopping or even spending time alone to enjoy a cup of tea or simply being outside with nature – and it can be a few minutes every day.
“You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining what you want now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your powerful intention now. Intend every day the way you want it go, and you will deliberately create your future life”. ~ The Secret Daily Teachings
Here are some of my favorites to start off the day:
What a better way to calm and clarify the mind... transform fatigue into energy... and even improve health. Study shows that meditation can actually unify mind, body and spirit and help you start enjoying the best health of your life. "Meditate. Life purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine". ~ Buddha
It's been said that yoga has the power to change life for good. It's a matter of letting go and allowing my body to do what it felt was the most natural thing. According to ParaYoga founder and Tantra scholar, Rod Stryker: Yoga helps you remove the obstacles that obscure who you really are, that it helps you come into a fuller expression of your true nature. "We're not transforming into something we aspire to, we're transforming into the very thing that we are innately: our best Self". If practiced correctly, yoga asana breaks down the psychological, emotional, physical, energetic, and psychic obstacles that inhibit us from thriving, he says. I think yoga is the best way to a healthier lifestyle. "Yoga is the practice of tolerating the consequences of being yourself ". ~ Bhagavad Gita
Simple Pleasures
It can be the pleasure of sweets, the pleasure of love, or the pleasure of deep practice. Whether it is taking a risk or no risk at all -- having something to look forward to every day sometimes is the biggest dare of all. Being alone with yourself is also a good thing but try to find the time to meet people. You never know what you might discover in a day that can teach us a lesson -- get outside and explore. There's no excuse not to give a few minutes of your day for better future. Do the things that make you smile, laugh and do more of that!. "Make time to enjoy the simple things in life".
You deserve a day where worries don't get in the way of anything. A day where... even if some people are insensitive or unkind, you're not going to mind because the blessings you received are far greater than the burdens you experience. Remember always focus on positive energy. Intentions + Affirmative Action = Great Result!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein
“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” ~ Unknown
LIVE positively in the present and CREATE a beautiful tomorrow TODAY, right here right now. Don't put your past in the future.
Life is full of beauty -- notice it and embrace it! Life is either daring adventure or nothing -- Live with good intention!!