When feeling overwhelmed or out of touch, take two minutes and do one, or a combination of, the following:
2-minutes to Mindfulness. Speaking of no judgement, mindfulness is “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally,” as defined by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I learned two mindfulness practices for regulating attention and getting in touch from Chade-Meng Tan’s “Search Inside Yourself.”
Way One: Bring gentle and consistent attention to your breath for two minutes. That’s it. Start by becoming aware that you are breathing, and then pay attention to the process of breathing. Every time your attention wanders, just bring it back very gently.
Way Two: Sit without an agenda for two minutes. Life really cannot get much simpler than that. The idea here is to shift from “doing” to “being,” whatever that means to you, for just two minutes. Just be.
Way Two: Sit without an agenda for two minutes. Life really cannot get much simpler than that. The idea here is to shift from “doing” to “being,” whatever that means to you, for just two minutes. Just be.
Establish Personal Rituals. Get clear on energizing rituals that turn you inward. A few of my ideal favorites include: morning visualization of how I want the day to feel and what is dying to be born, reading quotes, going through my pictures on iPhoto, savoring a cup of tea, 2-hour blocks of creative time, and yoga.
“Don’t worry about where or who you’re going to be in five years. Like high school, you will look back and wish you had done so many things differently. Know that and do them differently now. Focus on what’s in front on you. Work on the relationship you have with yourself first. Slow down. Enjoy today. It’s okay to not know. Eat alone in restaurants. Stop trying to prove something. Seek growth instead of validation. Be heard. Have non- negotiables. Go somewhere. Pull from your Solid Self as much as you can. Process (get therapy). Don’t compartmentalize people. Love fearlessly, even if you’ve been crushed before. Eat clean. Toss your scale. Pull yourself out of the victim role. Exercise your forgiveness muscle (you will need this). Don’t be concerned with what others think of you. Accept your story. Don’t chase paper. Seek truth. Be patient.” — THE ANGRY THERAPIST: Twenties
1. Trust your journey.
2. Breathe.
3. Nourish your soul.
4. Smile.
5. Be love.
"You need not worry about your worries. Just be. Don't be restless about ‘being quiet’, miserable about ‘being happy’. Just be aware that you are and remain aware - don't say: “Yes I am; what's next?” There is no ‘nex’t' in ‘I am’. It is a timeless state". ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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